
1. Install Dependencies

2. Add Items to Inventory

  • Only add these items if you have not done so already from Weed Farm V2

  • Add the following items to your items.lua

["joint_roller"] = {
    label = "Joint Roller",
    weight = 50, 
    stack = true, 
    close = true, 
    description = "Used to Roll Joints",
    client = {
	image = 'joint_roller.png',

["rolling_paper"] = {
    label = "Rolling Paper",
    weight = 10, 
    stack = true, 
    close = false, 
    description = "Used to make joints",
    client = {
	image = 'rolling_paper.png',
['joint_roller'] = {
    ['name'] = 'joint_roller', 		 	  	
    ['label'] = 'Joint Roller', 					
    ['weight'] = 50, 		
    ['type'] = 	'item',					
    ['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',		
    ['unique'] = false,		
    ['useable'] = true, 
    ['shouldClose'] = true,
    ['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',

['rolling_paper'] = {
    ['name'] = 'rolling_paper', 		 	  	
    ['label'] = 'Rolling Paper', 					
    ['weight'] = 10, 		
    ['type'] = 	'item',					
    ['image'] = 'rolling_paper.png',		
    ['unique'] = false,		
    ['useable'] = false, 
    ['shouldClose'] = false,
    ['description'] = 'Used to make joints',
['joint_roller'] = {
    ['name'] = 'joint_roller', 		 	  	
    ['label'] = 'Joint Roller', 					
    ['weight'] = 50, 		
    ['type'] = 	'item',					
    ['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',		
    ['unique'] = false,		
    ['useable'] = true, 
    ['shouldClose'] = true,
    ['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',

['rolling_paper'] = {
    ['name'] = 'rolling_paper', 		 	  	
    ['label'] = 'Rolling Paper', 					
    ['weight'] = 10, 		
    ['type'] = 	'item',					
    ['image'] = 'rolling_paper.png',		
    ['unique'] = false,		
    ['useable'] = false, 
    ['shouldClose'] = false,
    ['description'] = 'Used to make joints',

3. Add Images to Inventory

  • Drag or copy the images from the assets folder located in solos-jointroll to your inventory's images folder

4. Restart Server

  • Make sure resource is named solos-jointroll

  • Finally, restart your server.

  • Enjoy!

Last updated