1. Install Dependencies
bob74_ipl server likely already has this installed in
(Included with your purchase, download from keymaster)solos-jointroll
(Included with your purchase, download from keymaster)
2. Database Installation
In your database, run the
file, or insert the following queries:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `weedfarm_plants` (
`coords` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
`strain` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
`XP` int(11),
`fertilization` int(11),
`health` int(11),
`stage` int(11) DEFAULT 1,
-- water and fertilizer items:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `weedfarm_items` (
`amount` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
3. Add items to inventory
If you are using an inventory other than one below, please open a support ticket in discord if you need help integrating the weedfarm to your server's inventory.
Add the items to your inventory's
["fertilizer_spray"] = {
label = "Fertilizer",
weight = 75,
stack = false,
close = true,
client = {
image = 'fertilizer_spray.png',
["water_can"] = {
label = "Water Can",
weight = 100,
stack = false,
close = true,
client = {
image = 'water_can.png',
["scale"] = {
label = "Scale",
weight = 100,
stack = true,
close = true,
client = {
image = 'scale.png',
["empty_weed_bag"] = {
label = "Empty Weed Bag",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'empty_weed_bag.png',
-- Northern Lights (pink)
["northern_lights_seed"] = {
label = "Northern Lights Seed",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'weed_seed.png',
["northern_lights_wet"] = {
label = "Northern Lights Wet Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'northern_lights_wet.png',
["northern_lights_dry"] = {
label = "Northern Lights Dry Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'northern_lights_dry.png',
["northern_lights_bag"] = {
label = "Northern Lights Weed Bag",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'northern_lights_bag.png',
-- Blue Dream (blue)
["blue_dream_seed"] = {
label = "Blue Dream Seed",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'weed_seed.png',
["blue_dream_wet"] = {
label = "Blue Dream Wet Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'blue_dream_wet.png',
["blue_dream_dry"] = {
label = "Blue Dream Dry Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'blue_dream_dry.png',
["blue_dream_bag"] = {
label = "Blue Dream Weed Bag",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'blue_dream_bag.png',
-- Pineapple Express (purple)
["pineapple_express_seed"] = {
label = "Pineapple Express Seed",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'weed_seed.png',
["pineapple_express_wet"] = {
label = "Pineapple Express Wet Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'pineapple_express_wet.png',
["pineapple_express_dry"] = {
label = "Pineapple Express Dry Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'pineapple_express_dry.png',
["pineapple_express_bag"] = {
label = "Pineapple Express Weed Bag",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'pineapple_express_bag.png',
-- Strawberry Kush (red)
["strawberry_kush_seed"] = {
label = "Strawberry Kush Seed",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'weed_seed.png',
["strawberry_kush_wet"] = {
label = "Strawberry Kush Wet Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'strawberry_kush_wet.png',
["strawberry_kush_dry"] = {
label = "Strawberry Kush Dry Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'strawberry_kush_dry.png',
["strawberry_kush_bag"] = {
label = "Strawberry Kush Weed Bag",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'strawberry_kush_bag.png',
-- Sour Diesel (green)
["sour_diesel_seed"] = {
label = "Sour Diesel Seed",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'weed_seed.png',
["sour_diesel_wet"] = {
label = "Sour Diesel Wet Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'sour_diesel_wet.png',
["sour_diesel_dry"] = {
label = "Sour Diesel Dry Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'sour_diesel_dry.png',
["sour_diesel_bag"] = {
label = "Sour Diesel Weed Bag",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'sour_diesel_bag.png',
-- Golden Goat (orange)
["golden_goat_seed"] = {
label = "Golden Goat Seed",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'weed_seed.png',
["golden_goat_wet"] = {
label = "Golden Goat Wet Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'golden_goat_wet.png',
["golden_goat_dry"] = {
label = "Golden Goat Dry Bud",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'golden_goat_dry.png',
["golden_goat_bag"] = {
label = "Golden Goat Weed Bag",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
client = {
image = 'golden_goat_bag.png',
['strawberry_kush_joint'] = {
label = "Strawberry Kush Joint",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Strawberry Kush Joint",
client = {
image = 'strawberry_kush_joint.png',
['northern_lights_joint'] = {
label = "Northern Lights Joint",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Northern Lights Joint",
client = {
image = 'northern_lights_joint.png',
['golden_goat_joint'] = {
label = "Golden Goat Joint",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Golden Goat Joint",
client = {
image = 'golden_goat_joint.png',
['blue_dream_joint'] = {
label = "Blue Dream Joint",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Blue Dream Joint",
client = {
image = 'blue_dream_joint.png',
['pineapple_express_joint'] = {
label = "Pineapple Express Joint",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Pineapple Express Joint",
client = {
image = 'pineapple_express_joint.png',
['sour_diesel_joint'] = {
label = "Sour Diesel Joint",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Sour Diesel Joint",
client = {
image = 'sour_diesel_joint.png',
["joint_roller"] = {
label = "Joint Roller",
weight = 50,
stack = true,
close = true,
description = "Used to Roll Joints",
client = {
image = 'joint_roller.png',
["rolling_paper"] = {
label = "Rolling Paper",
weight = 10,
stack = true,
close = false,
description = "Used to make joints",
client = {
image = 'rolling_paper.png',
["fertilizer_spray"] = {
['name'] = 'fertilizer_spray',
['label'] = 'Fertilizer',
['weight'] = 75,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'fertilizer_spray.png',
['unique'] = true,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Fertilize Plants',
["water_can"] = {
['name'] = 'water_can',
['label'] = 'Water Can',
['weight'] = 100,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'water_can.png',
['unique'] = true,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Water Plants',
["scale"] = {
['name'] = 'scale',
['label'] = 'Scale',
['weight'] = 100,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'scale.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Weigh Weed',
["empty_weed_bag"] = {
['name'] = "empty_weed_bag",
['label'] = 'Empty Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'empty_weed_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['shouldClose'] = false,
['description'] = 'What do I put in this?',
["northern_lights_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_seed',
['label'] = 'Purple Haze Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Seed',
["northern_lights_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_wet',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud',
["northern_lights_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_dry',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud',
["northern_lights_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_bag',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag',
["blue_dream_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_seed',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Seed',
["blue_dream_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_wet',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud',
["blue_dream_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_dry',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud',
["blue_dream_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_bag',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag',
["pineapple_express_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_seed',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed',
["pineapple_express_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_wet',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud',
["pineapple_express_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_dry',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud',
["pineapple_express_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_bag',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag',
["strawberry_kush_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_seed',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed',
["strawberry_kush_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud',
["strawberry_kush_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud',
["strawberry_kush_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag',
["sour_diesel_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_seed',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed',
["sour_diesel_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_wet',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud',
["sour_diesel_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_dry',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud',
["sour_diesel_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_bag',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag',
["golden_goat_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_seed',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Seed',
["golden_goat_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_wet',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud',
["golden_goat_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_dry',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud',
["golden_goat_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_bag',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag',
['joint_roller'] = {
['name'] = 'joint_roller',
['label'] = 'Joint Roller',
['weight'] = 50,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',
['strawberry_kush_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint',
['northern_lights_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_joint',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Joint',
['golden_goat_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_joint',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Joint',
['blue_dream_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_joint',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Joint',
['pineapple_express_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_joint',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint',
['sour_diesel_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_joint',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint',
['joint_roller'] = {
['name'] = 'joint_roller',
['label'] = 'Joint Roller',
['weight'] = 50,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',
['rolling_paper'] = {
['name'] = 'rolling_paper',
['label'] = 'Rolling Paper',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'rolling_paper.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['shouldClose'] = false,
['description'] = 'Used to make joints',
["fertilizer_spray"] = {
['name'] = 'fertilizer_spray',
['label'] = 'Fertilizer',
['weight'] = 75,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'fertilizer_spray.png',
['unique'] = true,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Fertilize Plants',
["water_can"] = {
['name'] = 'water_can',
['label'] = 'Water Can',
['weight'] = 100,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'water_can.png',
['unique'] = true,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Water Plants',
["scale"] = {
['name'] = 'scale',
['label'] = 'Scale',
['weight'] = 100,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'scale.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Used to Weigh Weed',
["empty_weed_bag"] = {
['name'] = "empty_weed_bag",
['label'] = 'Empty Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'empty_weed_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['shouldClose'] = false,
['description'] = 'What do I put in this?',
["northern_lights_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_seed',
['label'] = 'Purple Haze Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Seed',
["northern_lights_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_wet',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud',
["northern_lights_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_dry',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud',
["northern_lights_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_bag',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag',
["blue_dream_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_seed',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Seed',
["blue_dream_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_wet',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud',
["blue_dream_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_dry',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud',
["blue_dream_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_bag',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag',
["pineapple_express_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_seed',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed',
["pineapple_express_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_wet',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud',
["pineapple_express_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_dry',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud',
["pineapple_express_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_bag',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag',
["strawberry_kush_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_seed',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed',
["strawberry_kush_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud',
["strawberry_kush_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud',
["strawberry_kush_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag',
["sour_diesel_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_seed',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed',
["sour_diesel_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_wet',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud',
["sour_diesel_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_dry',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud',
["sour_diesel_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_bag',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag',
["golden_goat_seed"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_seed',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Seed',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Seed',
["golden_goat_wet"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_wet',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_wet.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud',
["golden_goat_dry"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_dry',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_dry.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud',
["golden_goat_bag"] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_bag',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_bag.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag',
['joint_roller'] = {
['name'] = 'joint_roller',
['label'] = 'Joint Roller',
['weight'] = 50,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',
['strawberry_kush_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint',
['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint',
['northern_lights_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'northern_lights_joint',
['label'] = 'Northern Lights Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'northern_lights_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Northern Lights Joint',
['golden_goat_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'golden_goat_joint',
['label'] = 'Golden Goat Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'golden_goat_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Golden Goat Joint',
['blue_dream_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'blue_dream_joint',
['label'] = 'Blue Dream Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'blue_dream_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Blue Dream Joint',
['pineapple_express_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'pineapple_express_joint',
['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'pineapple_express_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint',
['sour_diesel_joint'] = {
['name'] = 'sour_diesel_joint',
['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'sour_diesel_joint.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint',
['joint_roller'] = {
['name'] = 'joint_roller',
['label'] = 'Joint Roller',
['weight'] = 50,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = true,
['shouldClose'] = true,
['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',
['rolling_paper'] = {
['name'] = 'rolling_paper',
['label'] = 'Rolling Paper',
['weight'] = 10,
['type'] = 'item',
['image'] = 'rolling_paper.png',
['unique'] = false,
['useable'] = false,
['shouldClose'] = false,
['description'] = 'Used to make joints',
4. Add images to inventory
Copy or drag all images located in
/assets > /images to your inventory images folder
5. Bob74_ipl
Navigate to your
resource, usually located in [standalone]Go to the
Replace the following snippet at the bottom of the file:
Should look like this:
LoadDefault = function()
BikerWeedFarm.Details.Enable(BikerWeedFarm.Details.drying, false)
BikerWeedFarm.Details.Enable(BikerWeedFarm.Details.chairs, false)
BikerWeedFarm.Details.Enable(BikerWeedFarm.Details.production, false)
}, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Hose.Enable(false, true)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Light.upgrade)
BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Hose.Enable(false, true)
6. Add resources to server
Remove any current weed resources that use the
weed shell from your server's resources.This includes
Dragged the unzipped folders to your resources folder
Follow any necessary steps in Configuration to configure your new Weed Farm resource to your server's framework
Restart Server
Last updated