
1. Install Dependencies


  • solos-weedprops (Included with your purchase, download from keymaster)

  • solos-jointroll (Included with your purchase, download from keymaster)

2. Database Installation

  • In your database, run the weedfarm.sql file, or insert the following queries:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `weedfarm_plants` (
  `coords` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `strain` longtext DEFAULT NULL,
  `XP` int(11),
  `fertilization` int(11),
  `health` int(11),
  `stage` int(11) DEFAULT 1,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- water and fertilizer items:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `weedfarm_items` (
  `amount` int(11) DEFAULT 0,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

3. Add items to inventory

  • If you are using an inventory other than one below, please open a support ticket in discord if you need help integrating the weedfarm to your server's inventory.

  • Add the items to your inventory's items.lua

    ["fertilizer_spray"] = {
        label = "Fertilizer",
        weight = 75, 
        stack = false,
        close = true, 
        client = {
            image = 'fertilizer_spray.png',

    ["water_can"] = {
        label = "Water Can",
        weight = 100, 
        stack = false,
        close = true, 
        client = {
            image = 'water_can.png',

    ["scale"] = {
        label = "Scale", 
        weight = 100, 
        stack = true, 
        close = true, 
        client = {
            image = 'scale.png',
  ["empty_weed_bag"] = {
        label = "Empty Weed Bag", 
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'empty_weed_bag.png',

    -- Northern Lights (pink)

    ["northern_lights_seed"] = { 
        label = "Northern Lights Seed",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'weed_seed.png',

    ["northern_lights_wet"] = { 
        label = "Northern Lights Wet Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'northern_lights_wet.png',

    ["northern_lights_dry"] = { 
        label = "Northern Lights Dry Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'northern_lights_dry.png',

    ["northern_lights_bag"] = { 
        label = "Northern Lights Weed Bag",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'northern_lights_bag.png',

    -- Blue Dream (blue)

    ["blue_dream_seed"] = { 
        label = "Blue Dream Seed",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'weed_seed.png',

    ["blue_dream_wet"] = { 
        label = "Blue Dream Wet Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'blue_dream_wet.png',

    ["blue_dream_dry"] = { 
        label = "Blue Dream Dry Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'blue_dream_dry.png',

    ["blue_dream_bag"] = { 
        label = "Blue Dream Weed Bag",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'blue_dream_bag.png',

    -- Pineapple Express (purple)

    ["pineapple_express_seed"] = { 
        label = "Pineapple Express Seed",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'weed_seed.png',

    ["pineapple_express_wet"] = { 
        label = "Pineapple Express Wet Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'pineapple_express_wet.png',

    ["pineapple_express_dry"] = { 
        label = "Pineapple Express Dry Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'pineapple_express_dry.png',

    ["pineapple_express_bag"] = { 
        label = "Pineapple Express Weed Bag",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'pineapple_express_bag.png',

    -- Strawberry Kush (red)

    ["strawberry_kush_seed"] = { 
        label = "Strawberry Kush Seed",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'weed_seed.png',

    ["strawberry_kush_wet"] = { 
        label = "Strawberry Kush Wet Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'strawberry_kush_wet.png',

    ["strawberry_kush_dry"] = { 
        label = "Strawberry Kush Dry Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'strawberry_kush_dry.png',

    ["strawberry_kush_bag"] = { 
        label = "Strawberry Kush Weed Bag",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'strawberry_kush_bag.png',

    -- Sour Diesel (green)

    ["sour_diesel_seed"] = { 
        label = "Sour Diesel Seed",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'weed_seed.png',

    ["sour_diesel_wet"] = { 
        label = "Sour Diesel Wet Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'sour_diesel_wet.png',

    ["sour_diesel_dry"] = { 
        label = "Sour Diesel Dry Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'sour_diesel_dry.png',

    ["sour_diesel_bag"] = { 
        label = "Sour Diesel Weed Bag",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'sour_diesel_bag.png',

    -- Golden Goat (orange)

    ["golden_goat_seed"] = { 
        label = "Golden Goat Seed",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'weed_seed.png',

    ["golden_goat_wet"] = { 
        label = "Golden Goat Wet Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'golden_goat_wet.png',

    ["golden_goat_dry"] = { 
        label = "Golden Goat Dry Bud",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'golden_goat_dry.png',

    ["golden_goat_bag"] = { 
        label = "Golden Goat Weed Bag",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        client = {
            image = 'golden_goat_bag.png',

    ['strawberry_kush_joint'] = {
        label = "Strawberry Kush Joint",
        weight = 10,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description = "Strawberry Kush Joint",
        client = {
            image = 'strawberry_kush_joint.png',

    ['northern_lights_joint'] = {
        label = "Northern Lights Joint",
        weight = 10,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description = "Northern Lights Joint",
        client = {
            image = 'northern_lights_joint.png',

    ['golden_goat_joint'] = {
        label = "Golden Goat Joint",
        weight = 10,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description = "Golden Goat Joint",
        client = {
            image = 'golden_goat_joint.png',

    ['blue_dream_joint'] = {
        label = "Blue Dream Joint",
        weight = 10,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description = "Blue Dream Joint",
        client = {
            image = 'blue_dream_joint.png',

    ['pineapple_express_joint'] = {
        label = "Pineapple Express Joint",
        weight = 10,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description = "Pineapple Express Joint",
        client = {
            image = 'pineapple_express_joint.png',

    ['sour_diesel_joint'] = {
        label = "Sour Diesel Joint",
        weight = 10,
        stack = true,
        close = true,
        description = "Sour Diesel Joint",
        client = {
            image = 'sour_diesel_joint.png',
    ["joint_roller"] = {
        label = "Joint Roller",
        weight = 50, 
        stack = true, 
        close = true, 
        description = "Used to Roll Joints",
        client = {
	    image = 'joint_roller.png',

    ["rolling_paper"] = {
        label = "Rolling Paper",
        weight = 10, 
        stack = true, 
        close = false, 
        description = "Used to make joints",
        client = {
	    image = 'rolling_paper.png',

    ["fertilizer_spray"] = {
        ['name'] = 'fertilizer_spray', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Fertilizer', 					
        ['weight'] = 75, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'fertilizer_spray.png',		
        ['unique'] = true,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Fertilize Plants',

    ["water_can"] = {
        ['name'] = 'water_can', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Water Can', 					
        ['weight'] = 100, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'water_can.png',		
        ['unique'] = true,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Water Plants',

    ["scale"] = {
        ['name'] = 'scale', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Scale', 					
        ['weight'] = 100, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'scale.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['description'] = 'Used to Weigh Weed',
    ["empty_weed_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = "empty_weed_bag",
        ['label'] = 'Empty Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'empty_weed_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['shouldClose'] = false,
        ['description'] = 'What do I put in this?',

    ["northern_lights_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Purple Haze Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Seed',

    ["northern_lights_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud',

    ["northern_lights_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud',

    ["northern_lights_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag',

    ["blue_dream_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Seed',

    ["blue_dream_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud',

    ["blue_dream_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud',

    ["blue_dream_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag',

    ["pineapple_express_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed',

    ["pineapple_express_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud',

    ["pineapple_express_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud',

    ["pineapple_express_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag',

    ["strawberry_kush_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed',

    ["strawberry_kush_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud',

    ["strawberry_kush_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud',

    ["strawberry_kush_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag',

    ["sour_diesel_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed',

    ["sour_diesel_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud',

    ["sour_diesel_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud',

    ["sour_diesel_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag',

    ["golden_goat_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Seed',

    ["golden_goat_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud',

    ["golden_goat_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud',

    ["golden_goat_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag',
    ['joint_roller'] = {
        ['name'] = 'joint_roller', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Joint Roller', 					
        ['weight'] = 50, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',

    ['strawberry_kush_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint',

    ['northern_lights_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Joint',

    ['golden_goat_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Joint',

    ['blue_dream_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Joint',

    ['pineapple_express_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint',

    ['sour_diesel_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint',
    ['joint_roller'] = {
        ['name'] = 'joint_roller', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Joint Roller', 					
        ['weight'] = 50, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',

    ['rolling_paper'] = {
        ['name'] = 'rolling_paper', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Rolling Paper', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'rolling_paper.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['shouldClose'] = false,
        ['description'] = 'Used to make joints',
    ["fertilizer_spray"] = {
        ['name'] = 'fertilizer_spray', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Fertilizer', 					
        ['weight'] = 75, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'fertilizer_spray.png',		
        ['unique'] = true,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Fertilize Plants',

    ["water_can"] = {
        ['name'] = 'water_can', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Water Can', 					
        ['weight'] = 100, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'water_can.png',		
        ['unique'] = true,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Water Plants',

    ["scale"] = {
        ['name'] = 'scale', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Scale', 					
        ['weight'] = 100, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'scale.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Used to Weigh Weed',
     ["empty_weed_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = "empty_weed_bag",
        ['label'] = 'Empty Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'empty_weed_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['shouldClose'] = false,
        ['description'] = 'What do I put in this?',

    ["northern_lights_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Purple Haze Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Seed',

    ["northern_lights_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Wet Bud',

    ["northern_lights_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Dry Bud',

    ["northern_lights_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Weed Bag',

    ["blue_dream_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Seed',

    ["blue_dream_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Wet Bud',

    ["blue_dream_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Dry Bud',

    ["blue_dream_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Weed Bag',

    ["pineapple_express_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Seed',

    ["pineapple_express_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Wet Bud',

    ["pineapple_express_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Dry Bud',

    ["pineapple_express_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Weed Bag',

    ["strawberry_kush_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Seed',

    ["strawberry_kush_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Wet Bud',

    ["strawberry_kush_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Dry Bud',

    ["strawberry_kush_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Weed Bag',

    ["sour_diesel_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Seed',

    ["sour_diesel_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Wet Bud',

    ["sour_diesel_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Dry Bud',

    ["sour_diesel_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Weed Bag',

    ["golden_goat_seed"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_seed', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Seed', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'weed_seed.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Seed',

    ["golden_goat_wet"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_wet', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_wet.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Wet Bud',

    ["golden_goat_dry"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_dry', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_dry.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Dry Bud',

    ["golden_goat_bag"] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_bag', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_bag.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Weed Bag',
    ['joint_roller'] = {
        ['name'] = 'joint_roller', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Joint Roller', 					
        ['weight'] = 50, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',

    ['strawberry_kush_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'strawberry_kush_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Strawberry Kush Joint',

    ['northern_lights_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'northern_lights_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Northern Lights Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'northern_lights_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Northern Lights Joint',

    ['golden_goat_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'golden_goat_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Golden Goat Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'golden_goat_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Golden Goat Joint',

    ['blue_dream_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'blue_dream_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Blue Dream Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'blue_dream_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Blue Dream Joint',

    ['pineapple_express_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'pineapple_express_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'pineapple_express_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Pineapple Express Joint',

    ['sour_diesel_joint'] = {
        ['name'] = 'sour_diesel_joint', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 			
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'sour_diesel_joint.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Sour Diesel Joint',
    ['joint_roller'] = {
        ['name'] = 'joint_roller', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Joint Roller', 					
        ['weight'] = 50, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'joint_roller.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = true, 
        ['shouldClose'] = true,
        ['description'] = 'Used to Roll Joints',

    ['rolling_paper'] = {
        ['name'] = 'rolling_paper', 		 	  	
        ['label'] = 'Rolling Paper', 					
        ['weight'] = 10, 		
        ['type'] = 	'item',					
        ['image'] = 'rolling_paper.png',		
        ['unique'] = false,		
        ['useable'] = false, 
        ['shouldClose'] = false,
        ['description'] = 'Used to make joints',

4. Add images to inventory

  • Copy or drag all images located in solos-weedfarm-v2 /assets > /images to your inventory images folder

5. Bob74_ipl

  • Navigate to your bob74_ipl resource, usually located in [standalone]

  • Go to the dlc_bikers folder

  • Open weed.lua

Replace the following snippet at the bottom of the file:

LoadDefault = function()
        BikerWeedFarm.Details.Enable(BikerWeedFarm.Details.drying, false)
        BikerWeedFarm.Details.Enable(BikerWeedFarm.Details.chairs, false)
        BikerWeedFarm.Details.Enable(BikerWeedFarm.Details.production, false)

        }, true)

        BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant1.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant2.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant3.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant4.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant5.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant6.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant7.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant8.Hose.Enable(false, true)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Set(BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Stage.small, BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Light.upgrade)
        BikerWeedFarm.Plant9.Hose.Enable(false, true)


6. Add resources to server

  • Remove any current weed resources that use the bob74_ipl weed shell from your server's resources.

    • This includes solos-weedfarm (V1)

  • Unzip solos-weedfarm-v2 and solos-weedprops

  • Dragged the unzipped folders to your resources folder

    • Usually [standalone] or [resources]

  • Follow any necessary steps in Configuration to configure your new Weed Farm resource to your server's framework

  • Restart Server

  • Enjoy!

Last updated